Greg Quicke
Interview by Madeleine Dore
Self-taught astronomer and author of Is The Moon Upside Down? Greg Quicke shares the everyday lessons we can find amongst the stars—from finding our flow, to worrying less about what other might people think.
In this conversation, we delve the awe-inspiring ways astronomy can stretch our minds and hearts—how it can be a reminder that we’ve got nothing to lose, and the relationship between order and chaos. We talk about meeting challenges with joy, how to find and follow your flow, cultivating patience, and choosing to see beauty in the ordinary and extraordinary.
Greg Quick: Astronomer
“ “Often we think within our 10-foot radius that everything is happening to us. Step outside of that 10-foot radius and you’ll frequently see that the same things are happening to others around you at the same time. Perhaps that can make it easier if we’re able to see that it is not just all about us.”
– Greg Quicke”